Phone: +36 70 596 0859

Join our B2B Community

If not now, when? If not you, who?

We have been working in the tourism sector for more than a quarter of a century, and the most important definition that defines the tourism industry is the network of mutual support and cooperation.

LVG Learning & Networking The world’s first and only education technology that turns into business development and quality buyer-seller engagement.

If you are one of the following, please join us:

  • Tour operator
  • Travel agency
  • Travel advisor
  • DMO
  • Hotel
  • Local DMC
  • Transportation company
  • Guide service
  • Attractions
  • Train, Cruise and Airlines
  • New graduate tourism student

LVG Learning Platform is for B2B partners only.

Due to the nature of our business, we have made it our mission to create awareness and reliable connectivity between destinations.


icon add white icon less white Do I have to pay for the subscription?

Simply No. The platform is free.

icon add white icon less white What will I find differently in LVG Learning Platform?

Unique B2B destination courses to train your operation, sales and product team and hand-picked credible local suppliers that you can trust.

icon add white icon less white For what purpose can I use the LVG Learning Platform?

Learn destinations at no cost to sell and operate better. Expand your network for 365 days from your desk. Be a visionary leader, care your teams and save tourism industry from the fate of trained staff shortages.


icon add white icon less white Do I have to pay for the subscription?

Simply No. The platform is free unless you want to promote your destination, services and products.

icon add white icon less white What will I find differently in LVG Learning Platform?

Hand-picked credible tour operators and travel agents.

icon add white icon less white For what purpose can I use the LVG Learning Platform?

Turn your services or products into state-of-the-art online training tailored to B2B needs like never done before Expand your network for 365 days by sitting at your desk. Be a visionary leader, care your teams and save tourism industry from the fate of trained staff shortages.

Get In Touch
